Friday, June 30, 2006

Rerun week 2006 #5 - over and over

click to view clip

apparently this isn't set to be progressively downloaded, so you have to wait until the whole clip is downloaded...sorry.

Music: 'Over and Over' by Lorenzo's Music (courtesy of the 'Podsafe Music Network'

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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Rerun week 2006 #4 - rainy walk to work

click to view clip

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rerun week 2006 #3 - camping uno

Watch the video

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rerun week 2006 - Commentary

This was originally posted 3 days shy of a year ago.

click to view clip

Original text: "This is something we put together as the result of me playing around with iMovie. The footage was taken from my FujiFilm A200, editted on an iMac with the commentary laid over it in iMovie"

"The sound might be a bit low. We are working out the kinks of this low tech approach as we go."

"This vlogging is terribly addictive, I want to sample and re-sequence everything I see...change it, re-order it, re-create it."

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Monday, June 26, 2006

Rerun Week 2006 - Signs

It's rerun week 2006, and here's our first post. This was back when we were still so wet behind the videoblogging ears, technical difficulties at almost every turn. But we mucked through it :)

click to view clip

Music: Anne Hell, "The Stars Inside Piano"
Editted and Produced on a PC with Adobe Premiere

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thanks Carl

Thanks Carl
click here to download

Carl Weaver brought a present to Vloggercon for me.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

How many screws are allowed to be missing?

How many screws are allowed to be missing?
click here to download

Our plane back from San Francisco to Vancouver (Alaskan in case anyone is wondering...)

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Pure Vloggercon, the end of Day 1 - Saturday

A Goat
click here to download

The random milling about after the sessions on Saturday. Then onto the party (thanks guys, was awesome!)

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Sonny and Cher, ala Anne and Bekah

Sonny and Cher, ala Anne and Bekah
click here to download

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Our Vloggercon adventure part3

Our Vloggercon adventure part3
click here to download

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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Our Vloggercon adventure part2

Our Vloggercon adventure part2
click here to download

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Friday, June 16, 2006

This is one of the reasons I love videoblogging. Meeting and being in the same space as brilliant people like Dave Huth.

"Extraordinary Things 4"

Watch movie (Quicktime, 3.4 min, 20.4 MB)

Original post, from 90 Seconds of Dave:

4th in a series. Linton started this series with a challenge on his own vlog Most Extraordinary.Music by HC-7 via

(Via Mefeedia)

I got you babe

I got you babe, originally uploaded by completelyknown.

Anne and missbhavens having fun with a Sonny and Cher tune at the Mint karaoke

Our Vloggercon adventure part1

Our Vloggercon adventure part1
click here to download

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Friday, June 02, 2006

sloppy ride to work

sloppy ride to work
click here to download

two minutes of shaky video, unintentional recording and recording with the lens cover on.

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